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Welcome To Ashland
142 W 2nd St
Ashland, OH 44805
Office Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday through Friday.
Phone: 419-282-4235
Welcome to Ashland County’s new site for real estate assessment information.
Our Address has changed so please update your bookmark.
The Ashland County Auditor’s office is pleased to welcome you to the newly reconstructed Property Search site. In order to give you the most advanced features available, we have worked with Thomson Reuters to enhance the site and improve your search experience. Some of the items you will find are:

  • New portfolio feature allows users to store multiple parcels for easy access (requires registered account).
  • Updated sketch which can be enlarged for easier viewing.
  • Improved sales search.
  • Tax estimator which provides estimated tax and levy amounts based on value entered.

We hope you find benefit in the new site design and welcome any comments you may have.

Cindy A. Funk
Ashland County, Ohio

NOTE: All values shown are 2021 values based on property status as of 1/1/2021 (with the exception of split parcels). 2021 splits, new descriptions and combined parcels show most current ownership, acreage and legal descriptions.

Site users can create a login which allow access to our portfolio feature. Registered users can store multiple parcels in their portfolio for easy access. Your portfolio is not lost when logging out and can be accessed again in future sessions!
Click the "Register" link at top right side of any page to get started.
We've updated our Privacy Statement. Before you continue, please read our new Privacy Statement and familiarize yourself with the terms.